неделя, 8 април 2012 г.

Top 5 Ways of Surviving a Hangover

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced a hangover. Hangovers can range from feeling really tired, to having a pounding headache, to non-stop vomiting and generally feeling like you are going to die.

1. The homeopathic way – if you’re into ‘natural remedies’, tree-hugging and all that jazz then this one is for you. Nux Vomica is claimed to be the best homeopathic treatment for hangovers, and according to homeopathic doctor Lindsay Tietz, can be obtained from a health food store. She suggests asking for a 6c of Nux Vomica, which comes in either dry pellets or liquid form. It can be extremely helpful with headaches, nausea, vomiting and irritability associated with hangovers, but be warned, it can be dangerous and highly toxic if taken over long periods or in the incorrect dose so make sure you speak to a pharmacist or health professional before taking it.

2. The alco’s way – ‘hair of the dog’ remedy has been around longer than you or I; and involves drinking alcohol….again. Yes it’s not a smart way to go about it (and I def would not recommend it if you’re trying to get over a hangover before heading to work!) but it is successful in helping the dreaded hangover – granted you can get past those first few sips!

3. The simple way – this is the safest and surest way to recover from a hangover, but it takes time and involves 3 things: liquid, vitamins and rest. Drink as much water as you can (sports drinks like Gatorade will also help with re-hyrdation), take a Berroca to replenish all those vital vitamins lost, and as hard as it might be – sleep as much as possible.

4. The natural way - the Natural Therapy website lists various natural food stuffs that are supposed to help with curing a hangover. Some of these include: Ginger, banana’s, tomato juice, raw eggs (yeah right!), olive oil and peppermint.

5. The new-age way – in December last year, the New York times reported on an entrepreneur who, along with a surgeon friend of his, came up with the Bytox Hangover Prevention Remedy patch. The patch must be stuck on your body 45 minutes before drinking and kept on for 8 hours after. The patch administers vitamins straight into the bloodstream, including several types of B vitamins; açaí berry; vitamins A, D, E and K; folic and pantothenic acids. These are available online at Bytox.com.

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